China Ranch 5-21-2022
China Ranch 5-21-2022
Wizard Tom
Jack lead this run. Starting out in Sandy Valley, NV. Meeting at the Idle Spur Restaurant and Bar. May 21, 2022.
Meet at 9:00 am and leaving at 9:30 am. Jack suggests filling up at The station on Cactus and I-15 rather than
paying the prices in Jean. I may go thru Mountain Pass and fill up at Blue Diamond and SR 160. I also may get there
a little early. The Spur has a mean breakfast! China Ranch is the final destination and well worth seeing.
Hope to see you all there!
I have no Pictures from this run, otherwise they would show below
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If it shows "No Trail Name Trail Report", then noone submitted a report to me to put one up.
It would be nice to have Trail Boss Reports for the runs.